First blog : Different bags for different outfits
Hi Guys, welcome to my blog. This is my first write up and it’s somewhat like a test run. My friend Flora and I are trying to figure this whole thing together. But I’m all about bags today.
So mum called me to help her get ready for an event she has to travel for and that’s where it hit me. Bags! She has four outfits and she needs four different bags to suit the outfits.
So the first outfit is a travel outfit. This is your super comfy clothing, she chose light material jeans, a blue and purple patterned Ankara top with some glitters ( mum likes flashy things), and a black low heel mule +a burgundy hobo side bag
It's a perfect bag to travel with, you can have your chips, your marshmallows, your phone charger, etc. This bag goes with the top and jeans because of their color. Wine, blue, and burgundy. 👍
The second bag is a blue velvet clutch. She’s wearing a blue Ankara gown and you know a baby girl has to match. She’s wearing black mule and silver accessories
It's a blue flowing dress. A big bag will make the attire look too bulky and that's why she needs a pretty little clutch in the color blue to match her blue and white flowing dress. She went with the silver accessories because silver shines better on blue, she also has silver on her bag.
Down to the third look. Initially, she was to wear orange shoes and an orange clutch with beautiful stones because she’s wearing an orange and green judge. She’s from Edo state and that’s part of their traditional attire. Instead, I told her to pick her YSL golden clutch with her golden low heel stiletto. It’s perfect because, the judge, has gold designs and the head tie ( gele ) has gold designs too. She’s wearing gold accessories to match
After packing the basic things for her trip, it just an outfit to go. She’s wearing white! Tbh white is a very beautiful color. It’s elegant and sharp. What tickles my fancy with the iro and Buba is she added some sort of feathers to the hand of the iro and I think that’s very creative of her. She doesn’t want to go all out with this outfit so she’s wearing black mules and a black side bag.
White and black never go wrong. If you don't know what colors to mix, just do white and black. Another type of bag you can wear is a small purse or a clutch with iro and Buba
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